Rediscovering Pleasure: Self-Stimulation After Hysterectomy

Rediscovering Pleasure: Self-Stimulation After Hysterectomy

How hysterectomy affects sex life? Let’s begin by discussing the various forms of hysterectomy. There are three primary types: total, subtotal and radical hysterectomy. A total hysterectomy eliminates the entire uterus and cervix, whereas a subtotal hysterectomy removes only the upper portion of the uterus. In contrast, a radical hysterectomy involves removing the entire uterus,…

Where Does Sperm Go After Hysterectomy?
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Where Does Sperm Go After Hysterectomy?

What Happens to Sperm After a Hysterectomy? One common question that many women have is where does sperm go after hysterectomy. The answer is straightforward: after a hysterectomy, the remaining areas of your reproductive tract are separated from your abdominal cavity. This means that sperm has nowhere to go and is eventually expelled from your…